Moving Wild」are now on sale!

Holterdiepolter Anstecknadel

NaN EUR (Inklusive Steuer)
Reference price: 5 USD
(Ref. 5 USD)
Bei einer Bestellung über ¥8000 oder mehr, ist der Versand innerhalb Japans kostenlos. Informationen zu Versand und Kosten finden Sie hier.

Größe: 25 mm x 25 mm Materialien: Messing
OoOOoo…Thud. Boom. Ah, a ghost(!?) pin badge is here! The ghost from the game that you are supposed to be getting rid of is actually a little, it's actually really cute!
Raising its left arm, the ghost seems to be beckoning to you. What is it trying to say? "Come over here." "Let's play together." "I'm jealous~" If you stare into the pin badge you might hear a voice coming from somewhere.
Its modest size allows its presence to shine through and makes it a great fashion point for bags, hats and cardigans!
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