Make the Difference Designer Notes
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Das Heft über die Entstehung von "Make the Difference "
Hier klicken um das Heft als PDF zu erwerben. A5 Größe, 20 Seiten"Make the Difference", released by Oink Games in 2022, is a board game where you create "spot the difference" puzzles. In this game you add lines to a drawing and create 5 differences for other players to find.
The "Make the Difference Designer Notes" booklet contains interviews with the authors from Bodogeimu (Shintaro Ono, Shingo Fujita, Shotaro Nakajima, Akira Sato) and Jun Sasaki, who was in charge of the artwork. It also features a behind the scene look at the production process. From production insights of the Bodogeimu team to details about component changes and hardships during mass production...nothing gets left out.
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