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Dice Tray & "Deep Sea Adventure" Expansion dice

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Dice Tray & "Depp Sea Adventure" Expansion Dice Set

Dice Tray. Half the depth of a game box, with a blue body and the Oink Games logo printed on it. Size: 11 cm x 6.5 cm x 2.2 cm Material: wood, felt The "Deep Sea Adventure" Expansion dice. You can replace one of the two regular dice with an expansion dice when playing "Deep Sea Adventure". Size: 1.6 cm x 1.6 cm x 1.6 cm Material: wood
This dice tray is half the size of the Oink Games box and is easy to carry along with your games. It's also easy to hold in your hand, so you can even roll the dice into the tray while holding it. Convenient for when there's no space on the table. Works great when playing "Deep Sea Adventure" or "Moon Adventure", which require dice. How To Use 1. Place your hand holding the dice close to the short side of the dice tray. 2. Roll the dice into the dice tray.
An expansion dice that adds a little drama to "Deep Sea Adventure." To play with this dice, replace one of the two regular dice used in "Deep Sea Adventure." Printed on the expansion dice are the following two special rolls...which may lead to unexpected developments. "x3": the number rolled on the regular dice multiplied by 3. So, if 3 is rolled on the regular dice, you can move 9 spaces! "Number of Explorers In Front of You": the number of explorers in front of you is the roll. In a six-player game, if there are five players in front of you, the roll becomes five! (Note the direction you're in moving in)
海底探険 深版』でもこの拡張ダイスを用いて遊ぶこともできます。その際は、下記のルールで遊んでくださいね!
・1と3のダイスと拡張ダイスを入れ替える ・x3の目は最後に計算する(最大12まで出ることになります)
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