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Move slowly, but quickly!?

It's time for a big ninja catfoot mission to recover the stolen scrolls! But look out for the guards. If you make any big movements, even just for a moment, you'll quickly be caught. You must cautiously, carefully, and quietly carry out the scrolls...! But don't take too long! Your rivals are also trying to complete this mission. It's a race to get most scrolls! You attach a smart phone to your arm in this new type of action game. The accelerometer will detect your movement.

  • 1-4 Players
  • Play Time: About 20 min
  • Ages 7+

Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action

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Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action

Game Description

The cancelled Spring Game Market 2020, was going to be the 10th Game Market that Oink Games had an exhibit at.
So the founder, Mr. Sasaki, was thinking to have a booth by himself, just like the first exhibit, separate from Oink Games and to make and sell games that would be difficult for Oink Games itself to handle. One of those games is "Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action."
In this game, everyone attaches their smartphones to their arms to play. You want to move quickly, but in this game if you move too wildly, the meter increases and you are penalized. You need to move slowly, but if you can't control your laughter you get knocked out. There is also a single player time attack mode for when it's difficult for everyone to get together.
Official Online Shop Limited Edition
To play this game, all players need a smartphone and an internet connection. Before purchasing, please visit the Catfoot App ( on your smartphone's browser and confirm that it operates correctly. With the browser open, press the start button and shake your smartphone. If the meter rises, then there is no problem.

Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action


Game DesignJun Sasaki
ArtworkJun Sasaki
Released in 2020
LanguageJapanese, English

Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action

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Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action

If you spend ¥8000 or more domestic (within Japan) shipping is free. For shipping and cost information check here.
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Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action
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