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As the battle between birds and beasts rages on, clever bats, which are a bit of both, hold an advantage. The story of the cowardly bat from Aesop's Fables is now a card game. The cards, designed with photos of trees and paper, are quite charming. A cute wooden bat piece is also included.

  • Players: 4-7
  • Time: 20 min.
  • Age: 8+

the birds the beasts and the bat

If you spend ¥8000 or more domestic (within Japan) shipping is free. For shipping and cost information check here.
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the birds the beasts and the bat

Game Description

Card game with an Aesop's Fables theme.

Long ago, birds and beasts battled. A bat saw this scene and went over to the bird's side when they had an advantage and said, "I am your ally! I, too, have wings like you!". When the beasts had an advantage the bat went to their side and said, " I am your ally! I have gray fur and fangs just like a mouse!." When the battle was over, the bat's betrayal became clear. The bat, after being chased by both the birds and the beasts, ended up hiding for its life in a dark cave.

Feel it out.

Aesop's Fable "The Bat, The Beast, and The Bird", is a story about a bat that can fit in on both sides. This card game is about that bat. Each player takes a card and chooses either the front side or the back side and places it on the table. If you are in the majority you score points and if you are in the minority you don't. If you play the bat card you can join the winning team unless there is only 1 bird or beast card played or the amount of birds and beasts are equal. In that case, the bat loses. Even though there are only 3 types of cards, the bat, beast, and bird, you have to carefully feel out you opponents and play your card.
The starting player marker is a small, but cute wooden bat.
You only use 3 types of cards, but there are 17 kinds of birds and beast silhouettes. Children can try to guess what animal is on the card or act out the story while playing. The cards are designed to have a picture book or paper cutout feel.

the birds the beasts and the bat


Game DesignTaiki Shinzawa
ArtworkJun Sasaki
Released in 2012

the birds the beasts and the bat

If you spend ¥8000 or more domestic (within Japan) shipping is free. For shipping and cost information check here.
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the birds the beasts and the bat
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