- 07/14/2023
- Press release
"Safo and the Moon Warriors" crowdfunding campaign planned for winter 2023. A new digital game with a breathtaking story and charming, yet subtle art style.
On July 14th, 2023, board game and digital game developer Oink Games, announced a new digital game, Safo and the Moon Warriors, for Nintendo Switch and Steam.

Safo and the Moon Warriors shares its unique world with Legendary Warriors, chosen as one of the App Store Best of 2015 and nominated for the Best Visual/Design Award at BitSummit 2015. Reborn as a new title, this game features a completely redesigned game system and reimagined story compared to the previous free-to-play title. A kickstarter campaign is planned for winter 2023. Currently in development for Nintendo Switch and Steam. ■Overview There was a world, where one day, the sun suddenly stopped rising. The people there were resolute, living their lives. When out of nowhere, one-eyed monsters began to appear all around the world. Even around Prince Safo of the Sheep Tribe, the sound of their approach draws near.

Embark on an adventure to rescue your kidnapped sister, Safino! Along the way you will meet many companions with unique personalities.

Safino, along with her younger brother Safo, live on Rano Island. One day, while peacefully going about their lives, large, bird-like [Argus] appeared and snatched Safino away. Now, all on his own, Safo readies himself to rise up and take back his older sister, Safino. As he chases after Safino and her Argus captors, the mysteries of the Argus begin to reveal themselves one after another.

Gameplay that feels as if you are reading through a novel will bring out the curiosity within you. Accompanying the story, comes a charming, yet subtle art style. A grand adventure awaits!

It's not just terrifying enemies that are awaiting you on your journey. The sturdy knight, Cervo and the sharp-clawed Lupo. The highly-skilled archer Klavino, the nimble Lacertino, and the slightly careless fortune teller Pingveno...in addition to many other companions that make an appearance. The interweaving encounters and conversations during your journey will only add to the excitement of your adventure.

Unique personalities aren't limited to your companions.You'll come across interesting townspeople at all of the places you visit along the way.

Will you be able to skillfully manage your companions and safely bring back Safino...!? What mysteries does this strange world have in store...!? Join us on an adventure in a fresh, but somewhat nostalgic world.

A Kickstarter campaign for this project is being planned for winter 2023. Please wait for more details. ■Kickstarter URL https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oinkgames/safo-and-the-moon-warriors/build In addition, Oink Games will be showing off the game at [BitSummit Let's Go!!] at Miyako Messe in Kyoto, running from 7/14 (Fri) to 7/16 (Sun). We will be handing out limited edition postcards so please stop by the booth! For more details about the event, check out the link below. ■BitSummit Let’s Go!! https://bitsummit.org/11th/
■Safo and the Moon Warriors https://oinkgames.com/en/games/digital/safo-and-the-moon-warriors
■PressKit https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/4vketurouz3qhnrxemuhf/h?rlkey=7kq0zwva3rtno5zgws4dqlvt0&dl=0 ◆For inquiries, please contact: Oink Games Inc. Attn : INAGAKI shop@oinkgms.com Facebook page : facebook.com/oinkgames Twitter : @oinkgms Instagram : @oinkgms